Arriving from the suburbs

Subway Tracks & El Tracks

Chicago Rapid Transit, Uptown Station & North Shore Line

Chicago Subway c. 1954

Chicago Subway Control Room

Chicago Subway Center Platform

Chicago Subway Station

Chicago Subway, Train Platform c.1944

Chicago Subway Phone Booths

Chicago Subway central platform

Chicago Subway

El System, c. 1912

El Train on bridge c. 1910

Elevated RR over Chicago River

El north on Wabash Avenue c. 1910

El on Wabash Avenue

Elevated Loop on Wabash Avenue

Elevated RR Jackknife Bridge c. 1910

Elevated RR Loop c. 1910

El Loop, c. 1907

Elevated RR Loop, Van Buren St. C. 1903

Union Stock Yards Elevated Station

La Salle St entrance to train tunnel

Lake & Wells, the Logan Square & Englewood trains by Tower 18

Lake St. El Station

Man at station to the Loop, c. 1911

Marshfield Avenue El Station

Metropolitan El Station

Metropolitan El Terminal c. 1909

State & Van Buren Sts. EL Station

State & Van Buren El Station

Track Elevation, 16th & Clark St. C. 1910

Union Loop c. 1912

Union Loop

Elevated RR Union Loop

Elevated road at Union Stock Yards, c.1913

Van Buren St. Viaduct c. 1913

Van Buren and 5th Avenue El Tracks c.1908

Wabash Avenue El Tracks

Wabash Avenue north from Monroe

Wabash Avenue north from Jackson, El Tracks

Wilson Avenue El station, c.1912