A I Simmons Florist

A. L. Sercomb Co., Silver Platers

A Paul's Art Studio, 3213 S Morgan St

A. Wolf & Co, The Diamond Shop c. 1913

A. Wolf & Co, Jewelers, since 1888

A. Wolf & Co, The Diamond Shop c. 1910

Acker Studio, 2835 W Madison St

Acker Studio, 2835 W Madison

Adolph Richman Furriers

Albany Park Dancing Academy c.1917

Albert Pick & Company c. 1908

Albert J Mendelssohn Gallery, 423 S. Wabash, c.1949

Alitto Studio, 678 N Clark St

American Film Company

Anderson Photographer, 6312 S Halsted

Arbanas Studio, 1149 W. 18th St., c.1928, "Melba"

Arcade Postal Studio, 352 S State St

Archambault, Dyers & Cleaners

Aronoff & Morris Bindery

Art Wall Paper Mills

Associated American Artists

Bell Oil Co. c. 1937

Bennett Paint Supplies

Bertini Brothers, Italian Holiday Specialties

Beverly Glass and Mirror Co

Birck-Fellinger Cleaning Plant c. 1929

C.L. Biron Studio, 3915 Lincoln Ave.

Blount's Personal Service Bureau c. 1948

Bodtke Studio, 1553 Milwaukee Ave.

Bowes-Allegretti Co

Brand's Park Studio

Buck & Rayner Apothecary c. 1909

Burton's Studio, 434 S. State St.

Bush Temple of Music, 100 W Chicago Ave

Bush Temple Of Music, Bush & Gerts Pianos

Bussian Studio, 1104 Wilson Ave.

C. D. Peacock, Jewelers

C. Jevne & Co.

C. Kampp & Son Funeral Home

Calumet Photo Postal Studio, 9124 Commercial Ave, South Chicago

Campanile Galleries, 200 S. Michigan

Carl Marty & Co.

Carson Pirie Scott corner

Carson Pirie Scott Restaurant, 8th floor

Carson Pirie Scott, rug & carpet floor, c.1908

Cascade Bowling

Casey Laskowski Funeral Home

Central City Chemical Co.

Charous Studio, 1318 S Crawford Ave

Chateau Royale Catering, 5743 w. Chicago Ave.

Chicago City Animal Shelter

Chicago Metropolitan Mutual Assurance Company

Chicago Photo Studio, 323 N. Clark St.

Chicago School of Photography, 930 Blue Island Ave.

Chicago Telephone Company, Monroe Exchange

Chicago Telephone Company, West Exchange

Chicago Telephone, Lake View Office, Operators Parlor

Chief Wash Company, laundry

Chee Wo Tong Co, The Chinese Emporium c. 1952

Chee Wo Tong Co., The Chinese Emporium

Christensen's Riding Academy

J F Cihak Studio, 3344 W 26th St

Clauson Bros. Dodge

Congress Studio, 320 State Street

Dr. H. R. Cox Optical Parlor

Critchell, Miller, Whitney & Barbour Insurance Company

Cynal Studio

Dalkullan's Gift Shop

Damalas Studio, 1015 E 75th St

Daniel's Surgical & Medical Supplies, 6444 W. Belmont Ave.

Davis Dry Goods

Alfred Debbert, Photographer, 4717 Lincoln Ave.

Dexter Studio, 3906 Cottage Grove Ave

Dubow Studio

Dulany Studio, 6457 S Halsted

E. C. Rieck Paint Co

East Lake Laundry

Eaton's The Flower Shop c. 1907

Edgar Pratt Fire Brick Co., c.1933

Ed Price & Company, Merchant Tailors

Ed V. Price Co., Al Stewart

Ed V. Price & Co, Frank Burg

Edwane Studio, 1311 W. Madison St.

Electric Shop, c.1926

Elliott Fur Co.

Erickson Studio, 849 W. North Ave.

Eriksen's Catering Service, 5811 Diversey Ave.

Fain & Corning, 1716 W Madison

Ferguson'sOne Price Cloak House c. 1913

Firsley Studio, 1546 N. Clark St.

Fleischman's Flower Store

Fleischman's Flower Store in Railway Exchange Building c. 1913

Fordtran Studio, Blue Island, Riverdale, Chicago Heights

Foster - Munger Co

Fred Holm Studio, 3703 Irving Park Blvd.

Frank Petru Real Estate

Garfield Fireproof Storage

Garfield Studio, 3316 W. Madison St.

Gartner & Bender Postcard Co., c.1908

General Furniture Co.

Gene Rush Barber Shop, Union Station

Gianakis Svolos Co, 638 S State St

Gerber & Bolotin Studio, 1870 Ogden Ave.

Ginn & Company

Goldblatt Bros. Store

Goldblatt Brothers, Treasure Shop, 4th floor, State St Store

Goldblatt Brothers, The Treasure Shop, State St

Goldblatt's Studio, State St.

Goold Storage, c.1938

N L Gordon Studio, 3320 W 12th St

Graham's Boot & Shoe House c. 1907

G Grammas Studio, 733 S Halsted St

Grant Dewey Studio, 760 E. 47th, c.1924

Gray Line Tours Buses

Grossfeld & Roe Company, Wholesale Grocers c. 1905

Gunther's Candies c. 1908

Gunther's Confectionery c. 1908

Gunther's Confectionery, c.1906

Harder's Fireproof Storage and Van Co

Catherine M. Hay Shop, gifts

H. E. Young Jeweler & Optician, c.1916

Hart Brothers c. 1910

W Hasragh Studio, 1816 Madison St

Hebard Storage Warehouse c. 1913

Hebard Storage Warehouse

Heeren Brothers Studio

Heinemann, 5049 S. Ashland Ave

Henry Horner & Co

J Hensher, 237 N. Clark St.

Hille Studio

Hillman's Confectionery Department c. 1914

Himmel Furs c. 1957

Hohhof Studio, 3510 Wallace St.

Holden's Shoes

Holden's Shoes

Hollerbach & Sons Funeral Home

Hotel World, c.1906

Tallest Candle in the World, House of 2000 Candles, 2330 Washington Blvd.

H. P. Rawlings Wall Paper Co.

Humboldt Studio, 2542 W Division & Albany park Studio 3416 Lawrence Ave

Hunter's Studio, 2714 W Chicago Ave

Huyler's Candy Store

Huyler's Candy, c.1912

Huyler's Liquor Store

Hyman, Berg & Co Jewelers c. 1908

Ideal Pastry Shop, 4765 N. Milwaukee Ave

Ideal Studio, 432 S. State St., 1344 W. 18th St.

Independent Wall Paper Co

Independent Wall Paper Co

Ise Studio, 1035 E. 63rd St.

Jay W. Rapp & Co, the Chinese Merchandise Mart c. 1934

James B. Clow & Sonsc. 1920

James Davis Wall Paper

Jensen Studios, 249 E 31st, 2940 S State St, 409 E 43rd St

The Jewel Laundry

John M. Weiland, florist

John M. Weiland Florist, 5315 W. Madison St.

Joseph Vacha & Sons, Florists

Julian Furniture, 2215 W. 95th St.

K. And K. Produce Co. c. 1920

Theo Kiriacopolos Studio, 1505 W Madison

Kranz's Candy Store c. 1908

Kresge Studio, 12 S. State St.

Krifka's Glove Store

Kuessner Studio, 1530 W. Chicago Ave.

Kunstadter Brothers c. 1908


L. Gould & Co c. 1927

Lakeview Prescription Laboratory

Lawrence Laundry Co.

Lawson Garwood Bookkeeping c. 1972

Lax Studio, 664 & 1636 W. Madison

Leasing and Selling Office

Lebolt & Company

Lederer's Department Store c. 1908

Lerner Shops

Lewin's Shoe Center, 3142 W. 111th St.

Lewis-Smith Studios in The Blackstone

Liberty Life Insurance c. 1941

Lilienfeld Brothers Co.

Linden Studio, 717 W. 63rd St.

Lion's Catering

Lion's Catering, Crystal Room

Lion's Catering, Grand Ballroom

Lion's Catering, Regal Room

Logan Bowl

Lotus Studio, 10 S. State St.

Lubliner & Trinz

Lueder's Pharmacy

L & W Photo Studio, 748 E. 63rd St.

L W Felt, 304 W Division St

Lyon & Healy Art Rooms c. 1909

Lyon & Healy Record Room

Lyon & Healy c. 1913

Lyon & Healy c. 1908

Lyon & Healy c. 1909

Majestic Photo Service, 6519 S Halsted

Mangel's Flower Shop

Marcus Ruben, 390 State St.

Marks Tailoring Co. (?)

Margie Way Music Studio, 5525 N. Broadway, c.1950

Matheon Day Nursery, The Commons, c.1905

Matthew's Roofing Co

Maybrook's Men's & Women's Wear

McClurg's Display c. 1928

McCorkle Motors

Mell's Studio, 6312(?) S. Halsted

Metropolitan Funeral Homes

Metropolitan Mutual Assurance Company, 4455 S. Parkway

Moisan & Co. Studio, 423 S. Kedzie

Morris & Co General Offices c. 1921

Morrison Hotel Studio, 124 Madison St.

Morton Studio, 203 E. 57th St.

Murray Brothers Painting, 2438 Arthington St

National Studio, 515 N. Chicago St.

Nelson & Westerberg Fireproof Storage

Nicoll The Tailor c. 1912

Albert Nielsen Studio, 6753 S. Ashland, c.1912

Noble Studio, 409 E. 43rd St.

Northwestern Pharmacy

Charles Saunders, The Novelty Photo Studio, 680 Milwaukee Ave.

O Abbe, 3253 N Western Ave

O. W. Richardson & Company

O'Connor & Goldberg

Orpheum Photo Studio, c.1912

Orpheum Photo Studio 110-12 S. State St., opp. Palmer House

Overland Studio, 249 E. 31st St.

Oxford Studio, 1301 Milwaukee Ave

Pakan's Furniture Mfrs.

People's Arcade, 129 S. Clark St., near Madison

Perfection Motors c.1952

Perfection Motors, c.1962

Petrik Studio, 3611 W. 26th St., c.1918, "Mrs. Bambula & John"

Pioneer Auto Insurance Co.

Playdium c. 1940

Plaza Studio, 156 W. North Ave.

Pleschner's Photo Studio, 3506 W. 26th St., "Aunt Mae"

Pehn & Babcock Confectionery, University of Illinois

Pritikin Furniture, appliances, 1000 W. Roosevelt Rd.

Pritikin Furniture Co., 1000 W. Roosevelt Rd.

Pritikin Furniture Co., 1000 W. Roosevelt Rd.

Radium Studio, 847 Belmont Avenue near Clark

Rastetter Studio, 3050 Lincoln Ave.

Ray Harrington Catering, 4300 N. Central Ave.

Rid-O, being used to clean Edgewater Beach Hotel fireplace

R. G. Lydy Lake Street Parking Garage

Reid, Murdoch & Company

Remein & Kuhnert Company

Remein & Kuhnert

Remein & Kuhnert, Spring patterns c.1908

Remien & Kuhnert Wallpaper Company pattern726-B

Remien & Kuhnert room sample, c.1912

Remien & Kuhnert room sample

Wm. Rogers Silversmiths c.1907

Rohde & Schutz Photo Studio, 90 W. Ohio St, cor. Milwaukee Ave

Rotary International Headquarters, 211 W. Wacker Dr., c.1931

Royal Tailor's Building

Ruppert-Coens Shoe Parlor, McVickers Theatre

S. H. Knox & Co

S. H. Knox & Company c. 1907

S H Knox Store, c.1910

S H Knox store

Sally Frocks

Samuelson's Arcade

Saranecki Brothers Banquet Rooms

Schmitt's Bakeries, in Chicago Northwestern RR Station

Scholl Photographer, 1553 Milwaukee Ave

Selig Polyscope Company

Shapiro 's Beverly Boot Shop, 1648 W. 95th St.

Shirley's Catering, Banquet Hall

Siegel Cooper & Co, c.1913

Siegel Cooper Photo Postal Studio

Silver Platter Meat Co., 741 W. 47th St.

H.B. Smit Studio,

Smit & Young studio

Socatch Bakery, 544 N. Michigan Avenue

Soukal Floral Co., 6118 Archer Ave.

South Center Development

Spaulding & Co. c. 1908

Spinning Wheel Studios

Stafford Studio, 3422 Fullerton Ave.

Stankunas Photographer, 3315 S. Halsted St.

States Billiard Parlor c. 1909

Louis W. Stayart Wholesale Grocers c. 1905

S. Peterson & Co. Wholesale Grocers c. 1905

Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company

Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company

Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company

Swedish Style Gift Shop, Swedish Style Knit Shop

The Center Studio, 1145 W. 63rd St.

The Centre Studio, 1145 W 63rd St

Theodore Rowley Studio

Thomas Hay, Hupmobile & Chandler dealer c. 1916

Thompson Music Company

Tobey Furniture Company

Toy-A-Rama Store, 10943 S. Western Ave.

Travis & Travis, realtor

Truax, Greene & Company Manufacturing Laboratory c. 1913

US Tent & Awning Co, c.1917

U-Drive-Em Midget Cruisers, Wacker Drive and Michigan Avenue

Victory Life Insurance Company c. 1927

Vignola Furniture Co., 5413 W. Devon Ave.

Wm. Chapman & Co.

Walter Larson Real Estate

W. P. Nelson Co c. 1907

W.P.Nelson. decorative suggestions

W. T. Brown Funeral Homes

Walgreens Drugs

Walgreen's, Randolph & State

Ward Photo Studio, 6831 Wentworth Avenue

J. E. Waters Studio, 1311 E. 63rd Street

The Wendella of Chicago, Michigan Avenue Bridge at Wrigley Building

Westerfelds Packing House Market

Western Safe Deposit Co., 4010 W. 26th St.

Westfall Photography, 6212 Halsted St

White Lumber Co c. 1906

Wicker Park Studio, 1566 Milwaukee

Wilcox & Follett Co.

Williamson & Schroeder

Wilson School of Music, McMahill Studio

Wishing Well Florist, 3140-44 N. Francisco Ave at Belmont

Wolk's Studio, 1945 W. 35th St.

W. M. Wood Studio, 1708 W. 63rd St.

F. W. Woolworth, 12 N. Michigan Avenue, c.1933

World's Antique Mart

World's Antique Mart

Worthington's Art Studio, 4774 S. State St.

M. Zalkoff's Studio, 1649 W. Division St.

J J Zima Studio, 5017 S Ashland