National Life and New York Life Buildings

National Life - New York Life Buildings, c.1908

National Life Insurance Company Building c. 1908

New York Life Building c. 1910

New York Life Insurance Building

Newspaper Row, Washington Street

North American Building c. 1919

North American Building

Old Colony Building c. 1908

Otis Building c. 1913

Otis Building c. 1913

Palmolive Building

Palmolive Building c. 1932

Palmolive Building

Harlequin Room, Palmolive Building

Palmolive Building Blossom Room

Palmolive Building, Blossom Room

Palmolive Building, lounge & bar

Palmolive Building c. 1950

Palmolive Building, Drake Hotel and Tower

Palmolive Building from 4th Presbyterian Church, c.1932

People's Gas Light & Coke Company Building c. 1922

People's Gas Building

People's Gas Building

People's Gas Light and Coke Building

People's Gas Building c. 1911

People's Life Building

Pittsfield Building

Pittsfield Building

Pittsfield Tower c. 1930

Powers Building c. 1908

Powers Building

Prudential Building

Pullman Building c. 1909

Pure Oil Building

Pure Oil Building

Railway Exchange Building

Railway Exchange Building c. 1917

Railway Exchange Building c. 1907

Railway Exchange Building

Railway Exchange Building

Railway Exchange Building c. 1908

Railway Exchange

Rand McNally Building

Rector Building

Rector Building c. 1915

Reliance Building c. 1907

Republic Building & States Restaurant

Republic Building c.1910

Republic Building, c.1914

Roanoke Tower & central beaconc. 1930

Rookery Building c. 1908

Rookery Building c. 1911

Rookery Building stairs

Jewelers Building - Rotary International c. 1947

Rothschild & Company Building

Royal Life Insurance Building c. 1906

Salvation Army Central States Headquarters, 860 N. Dearborn

Schiller Building

Schiller Building and Garrick Theatre

Schiller Building

Sears Roebuck buildings

G. H. Selfridge Building

Selz offices

Sherwood Building, Recital Hall, 1014 S. Michigan Ave.

N. Shure & Company

Siegel Cooper & Co. Building c. 1910

Siegel Cooper & Co. Building c. 1907

Siegel Cooper Co

South Water Market Buildings

South Water Street Market

State & Adams Building c. 1917

Steger Building c. 1914

Sterling Building c. 1943

Steuben Building

Stevens Building Restaurant

Chas. Stevens Department Store

Stewart Building

Straus Building

Straus Building c. 1925

Straus Building c. 1930

Straus Building corridor

Studebaker Building & Fine Arts Building

Studebaker Building

Studebaker Building

Tacoma Building

Telephone Building c. 1912

Tennant Motor Limited Building

Texaco Touring Center, 312 S. Michigan Ave, c.1950

Thomas Church Building

Titel & Trust Building

Transportation Building

Tribune Building c. 1909

Tribune Building c. 1912

Tribune Tower

Tribune Tower c. 1946

Tribune Tower c. 1950

Tribune Tower c. 1948

Tribune Tower c. 1931

Tribune Tower c. 1928

Tribune Tower c. 1958

Tribune Tower c. 1950

Tribune Tower

Union Carbide & Carbon Buildinc. 1930g

Union Carbide Building c. 1930

Unity Building

Unity Building

WCFC TV-38 Building, Madison at Peoria St

Westminster Building

WGN Studios c. 1940

WGN Studios

WGN Studios, Tribune Square

WGN Studio

Money Music Makers

WGN Studio #1

White Block c. 1914

Willoughby Tower

Willoughby Tower

F. W. Woolworth

F. W. Woolworth

Wrigley Building & Tribune Tower

Wrigley Building & Tribune Tower c. 1928

Wrigley Building c. 1942

Wrigley Building

Wrigley Building

Wrigley Building

Wrigley Building

Wrigley Building c. 1943

Wrigley, North & South Sections

Wrigley Building