Rag Doll, 6335 N Western Ave

Ranch Restaurant, 123 E Oak St

Ranch Restaurant, International Saddle Bar

Ranch Restaurant, International Saddle Bar

Ranger Inn, 1951-53 Howard St, c. 1945

The Red Star Inn, 641 N Clark St, c. 1908

The Red Star Inn

Regan's Restaurant, 6400-04 W North Ave

George Leiderman's Rendez-Vous Cafe, Diversey at Broadway & Clark

Restaurant Gastis, 3259-61 N Clark St

Rhumba Casino, State at Wacker

Rialto Gardens, 57-59 W Randolph St, c. 1928

Ribs By Roberts, in Sheridan Plaza Hotel, 4615 N Sheridan Rd

Ricketts, 103 E Chicago Ave, c. 1952

Rickett's Restaurant & Bar, 2727 N Clark St

Ricketts Bar, The Trophy Room, 2727 N Clark St

Ricketts Restaurant, The Amber Room

Ricketts Restaurant And Bar, 2727 N Clark St

Ricketts Restaurant staff

Ricketts At The Watertower, 103 E. Chicago

The Ridge Inn, 6648 Ridge Ave, c. 1951

Righeimers Palace Bar, After Cabin, 131 N Clark St

Righeimer's Palace Bar, 131 N. Clark St.

Rio Cabana, 400 N. Wabash Ave.

Ristorante Roma, 146 State St, c. 1906

Roma Restaurant, c.1907

R. M. Jones Restaurant, 7847 Halsted St

Roedel's Buffet, 2558 N Halsted St

Roosevelt Restaurant,

Round Table Restaurant, 5721 N. Clark St. c. 1951

Royal Cafe, 536 N State St

Russell's Silver Bar And Restaurant, cor. State & Van Buren Sts

Russian Tea Room, in the Lake View Building, 116 S Michigan

Sambo's Restaurant, 6600 Gunnison Ave (Lawrence) c.1955

Saratoga Grill, 7538 N Clark St

T. J. Sauerman Cafe, Clark & Ohio Sts

Sauganash Inn, 5080 Elston Ave

Schoenhofen's Hall, 876-82 Milwaukee Ave, c. 1904

Schwaben Stube, 3500 Lincoln Ave

Schwaben Stube

The Shanghai Restaurant, 251-53 S. Clark St. c. 1908

Shenick Co. Restaurant And Lunch Rooms, 172-74 S Clark St

Sheridan Restaurant, 3944-46 Sheridan, c. 1943

Shore Post Restaurant, 2360 E 71st St

Sieben's Bier Stube, 1466 Larrabee St

Sieben's Bier Stube

Sieben's Bier Stube

Siegel's Barbecue Restaurants, 232 W Garfield & 67th and S Western Ave

Siegel's Famous Sandwich Palace, S Chicago Ave at Jeffery

Silk Hat Cocktail Lounge, 1146 S Wabash Ave

Silver Frolics, 3937 W Madison St

Silver Moon Cafe, 748 N. State St, & 809 N. Clark St., c.1913

Simon's Twin Bars, 5210 N. Clark St.

Singapore Steak And Chop House, 1011 N Rush St

Singapore Steak And Chop House

Skooglund's Cafeteria, 1138-40 Wilson Ave, c. 1933

The Sky Ride, 105 W Van Buren

Solick's Restaurant and Tap Room, 4205-7 W Madison St

Song Ying Lo Restaurant, Clark St

Sonny Goldstone's Yacht Club, 50 E Oak St

State & Division Restaurant, NW cor. State & Division Sts

The States Restaurant, cor. State & Adams Sts

States Restaurant, Illinois section

The States Restaurant

The Steak House, 744 Rush St

Stevens Building Restaurant, 8th Floor

Stevens Building Restaurant c.1932

Stewart Lounge amnd Liquors, 353-55 W 63rd St

Stillson's Restaurant, Madison & Dearborn Sts

Storm Lounge, 937 N state St, c. 1943

Stuart's Restaurant, Van Buren St & Wabash Ave, c.1912 (also Boulevard)

Subway Cafe, 507 N Wabash Ave

Subway Cafe

Subway Cafe, Dining Room & Mezzanine

Summerset Lounge, 7631 Jeffery Ave

Sweden House, 157 E Ohio St

Sweden House, 159 E Ohio St

The Tavern Buffet and Restaurant, 163-65 E Washington St, c. 1911

The Tavern Restaurant, "The Staghorn", 163-65 Washington St, Elks Bldg, c. 1909

The Tavern Buffet & Restaurant, c.1908

Teco Inns, 2207 E 71st St, 2108 E 71st St, c. 1934

Teddy's Italian Restaurant, 1014 S Halsted St, c. 1949

Terminal Restaurant & Lounge, 2529 N Kedzie

The Terrace Restaurant, 55 W Washington St

The Pit Restaurant, 875 Rush St

The Pit Restaurant, 1139 W Dearborn St

Roma Italian Restaurant, 117 N Clark St, c.1915

The Roma Restaurant, 221 S Wabash

Shanghai Restaurant Co, c.1908

Sully's Restaurant, 2627 N Clark St

The Surrey Restaurant, S Western Ave at 105th St

Swedish Rococo House, 161 E Ohio St

Meyer's Ten Pin Cocktail Lounge, 5120-22 Lake Park Ave

Tip Top Grill, 18 W. Jackson Blvd.

Tip Top Inn, 111 S. Clark St

Tip Top Inn, Black Cat Inn, in the Pullman Building

Tip Top Inn, Charles Dickens Corner, in the Pullman Building

Tip Top Inn, Colonial Room, in the Pullman Building c. 1908

Tip Top Inn, in the Pullman Building c. 1907

Tip Top Inn, Flemish Room, in the Pullman Building

Tip Top Inn, French Room, in the Pullman Building

Tip Top Inn, Garden, in the Pullman Building

Tip Top Inn, Grill Room, in the Pullman Building

Tip Top Inn, Italian Room, in the Pullman Building

Tip Top Inn, The Nursery, in the Pullman Building

Tip Top Inn, Card Room

Tip Top Inn, Whist Room, in the Pullman Building

Tom Jones Restaurant, Ladies Cafe, 171 and 177 Jackson Blvd, 118-120 Quincy St, c.1908

Tom Jones Restaurant, Grill Room, Log Cabin, 175-177 Jackson Blvd, 118-120 Quincy St, c.1905

Tower Cocktail Lounge, 2013 W North Ave

Town Casino, 6 N Clark St

Trade Winds, 867 N Rush St

Truck Drivers Social Club, 1736 S Wabash Ave

Union Station, Fred Harvey Lunch Room

Uptown Village, 4818-22 Broadway, c.1927

Valentine's Restaurant, 142-48 W Van Buren St, c. 1944

Via Lago Cafe, 837 Wilson Ave

Villa Sweden, 5207 N Clark St

Villa Sweden Restaurant

Vine Gardens, 614 W North Ave, c. 1941

Vine Restaurant, 614 W North Ave

Vogelsang's Restaurant, Madison St opp. La Salle Hotel

Vogelsang's Restaurant, Main Dining Room, 175-181 W Madison St, c.1914

Vogelsang's Bohemian Lunch

Wagtayle's, 1205 Loyola

Oak Room, in Walgreens, State & Randolph

White City Bar, 6301-03 S Parkway

Williams Restaurant and Lounge, 700 S Wabash Ave

Windsor Restaurant, 840 W 63rd St

Winter Garden Restaurant, formerly Weiss Restaurant in the Consumer's Building, 214 S State St

Won Kow Restaurant, 2233-39 Wentworth Ave

Won Kow Restaurant c. 1930

Woodlawn Cafe, Main Dining Room, 63rd St & Cottage Grove Ave, c. 1911

Woodlawn Cafe, Arbor Room c. 1912

Woodlawn Cafe, Dutch Room c. 1912

Woodlawn Cafe

W-R Restaurant

Wrigley Building Restaurant c. 1937

Ye Olde Cellar

Ye Olde Cellar, 322 N Michigan Ave, c.1938

Ye Olde Cellar Restaurant

Ye Olde Cellar Restaurant

Younker's Restaurant, Pine Room

Younker's Restaurant, 51 E Chicago Ave, c.1953

Wrigley Building Restaurant c. 1941

Yankee Doodle Doo, 4731-33 Broadway

Yun Fong Lo Co, 119 Madison St, c. 1906

Yun Fong Lo Co Restaurant, c. 1908