900 Restaurant, Crystal Dining Room, 900 N Michigan Ave

900 Restaurant

A Bit Of Sweden, 1011 Rush St

A Bit Of Sweden Restaurant, 1011 Rush St.

A Bit Of Sweden Restaurant

A Bit Of Sweden, 1015 Rush St

Adolph's Italian Restaurant, 1045 Rush St

Agostino Restaurant, 1121 N State St

Al Bailey's Burgundy Inn, 2335 N Clark St

Alex Moni Buffet

Alice Baum Restaurant, 5200 Sheridan Rd

Alice Baum Restaurant

Alice Baum Restaurant

Allgauer's Nufer Restaurant, 6666 N Ridge Ave, c. 1950

American Legion Stanley Sullivan Post No. 746, The Dugout, 2514 West 63rd St.

American Restaurant (right side of image)

Andy's Grill, 2350 N. Clark St., c. 1949

Anna Held Fountain Cafe, 5557 N Sheridan Rd

The Ansonia Cafe, 1652 Madison St, c. 1911

Arbutus Lunch Rooms, 261 Dearborn St

The Athens Restaurant, 530 S Halsted St

Cafeteria in the Atwood Building, NW cor Clark & Madison

Cafeteria in the Atwood Building

Ballantine's Restaurant, 1207 N Dearborn St

Baltimore Inn

Baltimore Inn, Quincy St bet. State & Dearborn

Baltimore Inn c. 1911

Baltimore Inn

Baltimore Inn c. 1920

Baltimore Inn c. 1911

Ye Baltimore Inn c. 1915

Baltimore Inn c.1915

Bamboo Inn, Randolph & Clark Sts

The Bamboo Inn, 11 N Clark St

Barney's Market Club, 731-41 W Randolph

Barney's Market Club

Bavarian Hof-Brau Restaurant, 304 W North Ave

New Belvedere Cafe, 836-38 N. Clark St.

Bennert's Cafe, 80-82 Jackson Blvd

The Berghoff Restaurant, 15-25 W Adams St

The Berghoff Restaurant, 17 W Adams St

The Berghoff Restaurant

Berry's Restaurant, 180 State St

Best Ever Lounge and Restaurant, Lincoln, Wrightwood & Sheffield Aves

Bismarck Inn, 124 N La Salle St

Black Bull Restaurant, 2192 N. Elston

Black Forest Restaurant and Tavern, 2636-38 N. Clark St., c.1948

Blackhawk Lodge, 41 E Superior

Blackhawk Restaurant, Hal Kemp & His International Orchestra, 139 N Wabash

The Blackhawk Indian Room, Randolph at Wabash

The Blackhawk Restaurant

Don Roth's Blackhawk Restaurant

Blossom Room, Palmolive Building

Blue Danube Cafe, 500 N West Ave, c. 1950

Blue Danube Grill, 179&181 N State St

Bobildic Grill, 105th at Western Ave

Boston Oyster House, Banquet Room, in the Morrison Hotel, c. 1918

Boston Oyster House, foyer

Boston Oyster House, kitchen c. 1909

Boston Oyster House c. 1907

Boston Oyster House, c.1914

Boston Oyster House c. 1909

Boston Oyster House waitresses

Boston Oyster House waiters, c. 1910

Boston Oyster House in Morrison Hotel

The Boulevard, Wabash & Van Buren, c. 1913

Bratwurst Gloeckla Restaurant, 2243 Belmont Ave

Broad-Mont Cafe, 4404 Broadway

Chicago Zoological Park, (Brookfield Zoo)

Brown & McKinnon's Lunch Room, 21 E Adams St

Brown Bear Restaurant, 6318 N Clark St, c. 1952

Brown Bear Restaurant, 6318 N Clark St

Buck & Rayner Cafeteria, State & Adams St

Buckley's Restaurant, 10131 Indianapolis Blvd

The Burgundy Inn

Burlington Diner

Cadillac Cafe, 2136 Wabash Ave, c. 1912

Cafe Bristol, 6319 S Halsted St, c. 1914

Cafe De Luxe, Wabash & Harrison, 600 Wabash Ave, c. 1915

Cafe de Paris, Park Dearborn Hotel

Cafe Savoy, cor Madison & Wabash, c. 1909

Cafe Windsor, 1244 N Clark St

Caffarello's Restaurant, 5717 S Cicero Ave

Cameo Restaurant, 116 E Walton, c. 1951

Jack Kearns The Canterbury Inn, 178 W. Randolph St.

Canton Tea Garden, Wabash Ave at Van Buren St

Carson Pirie Scott Restaurant, 8th floor c. 1908

Caruso's Theatre Restaurant, 936 N Rush St

Central Inn, 417 S Wabash Ave

Charles Weeghman Corp. Lunchroom, 169 W Madison St

Charles West Cafe, 539 S State St, c. 1911

Charles West Cafe, 539 S State St, c. 1914, note spittoons

Charles S. Senyard, 157 La Salle St, c. 1908

Chatterbox Restaurant, 6445 Sheridan Rd

Chez Paree "Chez Lounge", 610 Fairbanks Ct

Chez Paree Cocktail Lounge, Sapphire Bar

Chez Paree

Chez Paree, Key Club

Chez Paree "An Evening In Paris"

Chez Paree

Chez Paree

Chez Paree

Chez Paree

Chez Paree

Chiam _Restaurant, 2251-53 S Wentworth Ave

Chiam Restaurant, Chinatown

The Stevens Circle, Charles Stevens Co., State St

Ciro's, 816 N Wabash

The Claremont Cafe, cor 39th St & Indiana Ave, c. 1911

Clark's Grape Arbor Cafe, 3022 Cottage Grove Ave

Cloud Room, Marshall Field Restaurant, Municipal Airport

Clover Bar, 172 N Clark St

The Clover, 107th St & South Park Ave

Club D'Amato, 5536 S Halsted St

Club El Bianco, 2747 W 63rd St

Club Flamingo, 1359 W Madison St

Coliseum Garden c. 1906

Colosimo's Restaurant, 2126 S Wabash Ave

Como Inn Restaurant, 546 Milwaukee Ave

Como Inn Restaurant

Congress Cafe, Congress & Wabash Aves

Lake Shore Drive Hotel - Continental Russian Restaurant

Cooper Cafeteria, 60 W Washington St

Corner House Restaurant, 100 E Ohio St

The Covered Wagon, Michigan Ave at Cermak Rd, c. 1945