Academy Of Our Lady

Academy Of Our Lady

Academy Of Our Lady - Chapel

Academy Of Our Lady, Hackman Hall

Academy Of Our Lady, rear view of buildings

Academy Of Our Lady, Olivet Shrine

Academy Of Our Lady Convent

Academy Of Our Lady

Academy Of Our Lady

Academy Of Our Lady

Academy Of Our Lady

Academy Of Our Lady

Academy of the Resurrection Sisters c. 1926

All Saints School

Baptist Missionary Training School c. 1910

Baptist Missionary Training School c. 1957

Baptist Missionary Training School c. 1918

Baptist Missionary Training School c. 1913

Baptist Missionary Training School

Baptist Missionary Training School c. 1940

Baptist Missionary Training School - Harris Chapel

Baptist Missionary Training School c. 1923

Baptist Missionary Training School

Baptist Missionary Training School, Domestic Science Hall

Baptist Missionary Training School Domestic Science Kitchen

Baptist Missionary Training School, Morris Memorial Chapel

Baptist Missionary Training School c. 1911

Baptist Missionary Training School, Harris Library

Baptist Missionary Training School, reception hall

Bethany Bible School c. 1911

Bethany Bible School c. 1919

Bethany Bible School

Bethany Bible School, student room

Bethany Bible School, workers

Bethany Bible School, Dining Hall, c. 1924

Bethany Bible School, c. 1919-24

Bethany Bible School, c. 1919-24

Bethany Bible School, c. 1919

Bethany Bible School, c. 1919-24

Bethany Bible School, Mr. Hering?, c. 1919-24

Bethany Bible School, the Herings?, c. 1919-24

Bethany Bible School, North View, c. 1919

Bethany Bible School, c. 1919

Bethany Bible School, c. 1919

Blessed Sacrament School c. 1908

Chicago Evangelistic Institute

Chicago Evangelistic Institute c. 1913

Chicago Evangelistic Institute c. 1911

Chicago Training School For City, Home, and Foreign Missions c. 1907

Chicago Training School For City, Home, and Foreign Missions c. 1914

Chicago Training School For Missions

Chicago Training School, Monnett Hall

De Paul University and St. Vincent De Paul Church c. 1913

Evangelical Lutheran Tabor Schule (school) c. 1910

Ev Lutheran Jehovah Schule c.1908

Felician Sisters Convent and High School c. 1961

Holy Cross School c1908

Holy Family Academy

Holy Family High School

Holy Trinity High School Reading Laboratory

Holy Trinity Polish Parochial School

Immaculata High School c. 1926

Josephineum Academy

Josephineum Academy c. 1907

Josephineum High School

Maria High School, 6727 S. California Avenue

Lutheran School of Theology, 1100 E. 55th St.

Mission Of Our Lady Of Mercy, Training School c. 1911

Moody Bible Institute c. 1926

Moody Bible Institute c. 1942

Moody Bible Institute c. 1942

Moody Bible Institute, Auditorium c. 1920

Moody Bible Institute, Bookstore c.1951

Moody Bible Institute, Classroom c. 1948

Moody Bible Institute, Crowell Hall

Moody Bible Institute, Dining Room

Moody Bible Institute, dining room

Moody Bible Institute, Institute Place

Moody Bible Institute, Library c. 1941

Moody Bible Institute, Men's Building c. 1912

Moody Bible Institute, Men's Dorm, roof garden, c.1910

Moody Bible Institute, Original Building c.1950

Moody Bible Institute, new men's dorm

Moody Bible Institute, Radio Show

Moody Bible Institute, proposed Torrey-Gray Auditorium c. 1947

Moody Bible Institute, Torrey-Gray Auditorium, c.1956

Moody Bible Institute, Women's Building Reception Hall c. 1922

Moody Bible Institute, Women's Department & Chicago Avenue Church c. 1909

Moody Bible Institute, Women's Building

Moody Church cc. 1914

Moody Church, c.1911

Moody Church, c.1909

Moody Church, sanctuary

Moody Memorial Church

Moody Memorial Church c. 1956

Moody Memorial Church, c. 1932

Our Lady Of Good Counsel School

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School c. 1910

Our Lady of Providence Academy c.1909

Our Lady Of Providence Academy, Assembly Hall, 3107 W. Van Buren St., c.1912

Unknown Polish School

Providence High School c.1952

Resurrection High School

Heart of the Lord Jesus, Church and School

Sacred Heart Academy

Salvation Army School For Officer's Training

Salvation Army School For Officer's Training

Sisters Of Charity Academy

St. Adalbert's Parochial School

St. Adalbert's Rectory and School c. 1912

St. Casimir's Academy

St. Casimir Academy, Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto

St. George's Community Center & School

St. Helen's Polish Roman Catholic School c. 1927

St. James School and High School c. 1911

St. John Cantius Church And School

St. Louis Academy

St. Luke's School c. 1907

St. Malachy's School

St. Margaret's School c. 1908

St. Mary's High School c. 1917

St. Mel's Parish School c. 1910

St. Michael Central High School

St. Michael Central High School

St. Patrick's Academy c. 1913

St. Patrick's School, c.1908

St. Pius School c. 1906

St. Sylvester's School

St. Thecla School

St. Valentinus Polish School and Temporary Church c. 1917

St. Xavier's Academy c. 1911

Visitation High School

Freethinking School(trans.) Vojta Náprstek c. 1913