5200 Sheridan Road Building

American Electric Railway Convention, Westinghouse Exhibit

Association House and Play Grounds

Breakfast Club Show

Chicago Avenue Pumping Station

Greetings from Chicago

Chicago Dry Cleaning Show, Detrex Co.

Chicago Fair, Dixieland, North Entrance

Chicago Fair, Cypress Gardens Show

Chicago Fair, Dixieland Street

Chicago Railroad Fair, Old Faithful

Chicago Fair, North End

Chicago Fair, Frontiers of Freedom

Chicago Fair, Midway & Tram

Chicago Fair, Big Top Circus

Chicago Fair, Oil Industry Service Center

Chicago Railroad Fair, Gold Gulch

Chicago Railroad Fair 1949, Florida Exhibit

Chicago Railroad Fair, Union Pacific Exhibit 1949

Chicago Railroad Fair, c. 1948

Chicago Railroad Fair, Pennsylvania Railroad 1949

Chicago parking in a park, maybe Grant


Chinese Joss House c. 1905

Class Rush, unknown school c. 1905

Commonwealth Electric Co. c. 1908

Deaconess Advocate Co.

Don McNeill Breakfast Club

Douglas Park Auditorium c. 1911

New Falcon Hall? c. 1911

Ferris wheel, c.1902

Ft Dearborn Post Headquarters

Heart of Jesus Mission House

Henry Booth House c. 1909?

Kiwanis Convention, 1958

Last streetcar trip in Chicago

Latin Quarter of Chicago

Grand Central Market c. 1908

Land & Irrigation Expo 1909, Michigan Exhibit

Mazdaznan Building

Michigan Square Building c. 1937

Michigan Square Building, Diana Fountain

Oakland Office Rest Room c. 1911

Pfaff's Pavilion, Borchardt Brothers proprietors c. 1908

Polish American orphanage? Unknown identity for sure

Polish Association c. 1919

Polish National Alliance Building

Polish Roman Catholic Union of America

Czechoslovak school c. 1905

Polish Women's Alliance

Pulaski Hall, c.1910

Roseland Pumping Station c. 1912

Schwaben Verein, Need help, what is this & where was it?

Social Turner Hall

Unknown Chicago gymnasium (turngemeinde) c. 1909

Leasing & selling office, identity unknown, may be food company

Unknown, maybe some sort of home

Unknown Chicago location

Wabash Avenue Fire c. 1912

Water Tower

Water Tower and Palmolive Building

Water Tower and Lindbergh Beacon c. 1938

Water Tower and Palmolive Building

Water Tower and Palmolive Building

Observatory Tower and Water Works

Water Tower

Water Works

Women's Temple Fountain

Women's Temple info

Women's Temple