Albert Merritt Billings Hospital

Albert Merritt Billings Hospital & Max Epstein Clinc

Alexian Brothers Hospital

Alexian Brothers Hospital

Alexian Brothers Hospital

Alexian Brothers Hospital

Alexian Brothers Hospital

Alexian Brothers Hospital

Alexian Brothers Hospital c. 1909

Alexian Brothers Hospital

American Hospital and Training School for Nurses

Augustana Hospital c. 1969

Augustana Hospital

Augustana Hospital, c.1909

Augustana Hospital c. 1908

Augustana Hospital, St. John's Chapel

Augustana Hospital c. 1911

Augustana Hospital c. 1929

Augustana Hospital c. 1944

Belden Avenue Hospital

Augustana Hospital

Bernarr McFadden Healthatorium

Bethany Brethren Hospital

Bethany Hospital & Bible School

Bethany Methodist Hospital - Bethany Home

Bremer and Urological Hospital

Chicago Hospitals, c. 1915

Chicago Baptist Hospital

Chicago Hospital

Chicago Hospital

Chicago Lying-In Hospital and Dispensary c. 1907

Chicago Lying-In Hospital

Chicago Lying-In Hospital & Dispensary lobby

Chicago Lying-In Hospital and Dispensary c. 1953

Chicago Lying-In Hospital and Dispensary - Nursery

Chicago Osteopathic Hospital

Chicago Osteopathic Hospital c. 1919

Chicago Osteopathic Hospital entrance, c.1954

Chicago Union Hospital

Children's Memorial Hospital

Columbus Hospital - St. Francis Xavier Cabrini's room

Columbus Hospital, Frances Cabrini Room

Columbus Hospital c. 1911

Columbus Hospital

Cook County Hospital

Cook County Hospital

Cook County Hospital

Cook County Hospital, c.1908

Cook County Hospital

Cook County Hospital c. 1909

Cook County Hospital

Cook County Hospital c. 1916

Cook County Hospital c. 1913

Cook County Hospital, c.1944

Cook County Hospital

Cook County Hospital

Daily's Sanitarium c. 1942

Douglas Park Hospital c. 1943

Edgewater Hospital investment offer c. 1928

Edgewater Hospital c. 1967

Englewood Hospital

Englewood Hospital

Frances E. Willard National Temperance Hospital

Frank Cuneo Memorial Hospital

Franklin Boulevard Community Hospital

Gardiner General Hospital

German Hospital of Chicago c. 1980

Grant Hospital

Hahnemann Hospital c. 1908

Henrotin Hospital

Henrotin Hospital, North Wing, c.1947

Henrotin Memorial Hospital c. 1908

Billings Memorial & Hicks-McElwee Memorial Hospitals, University of Chicago

Holy Cross Hospital

Holy Cross Hospital

Holy Cross Hospital entrance

Holy Cross Hospital

Illinois Central Hospital

Illinois Central Hospital

Illinois Charitable Eye And Ear Infirmary

Illinois Masonic Medical Center

Jefferson Park Hospital

John B. Murphy Hospital

Lake View Hospital c. 1913

Lakeside Hospital c. 1913

Lakeside Hospital c. 1920

Lakeside Hospital, c.1916

Lerman Hospital, c.1915

Lewis Memorial Maternity Hospital c. 1935

Lewis Memorial Maternity Hospital

Little Company of Mary Hospital c. 1954

Loretto Hospital c. 1966

Lutheran Deaconess Hospital

Lutheran Memorial Hospital

Marine Hospital

Martha Washington Hospital c. 1940

Mary Thompson Hospital

Mary Thompson Hospital for Women and Children c. 1910

Mary Thompson Hospital c. 1918

Mercy Hospital c. 1936

Mercy Hospital

Mercy Hospital

Mercy Hospital Annex c. 1909

Mercy Hospital c. 1911

Mercy Hospital

Mercy Hospital

Mercy Hospital Board Room

Mercy Hospital & Medical Center Chapel, c.1969

Michael Reese Hospital c. 1934

Michael Reese Hospital

Michael Reese Hospital

Mother Cabrini Hospital

Mount Sinai Hospital

Mount Sinai Hospital

Mount Sinai Hospital

North Chicago Hospital

Norwegian American Hospital c. 1956

Norwegian Deaconess Home & Hospital

Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home & Hospital entrance

Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home & Hospital, chapel

Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Hospital, pupils dorm

Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Hospital, sisters parlor

Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home & Hospital, writing room

Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home & Hospital, Sister Superior

Northwest Hospital, 5645 W. Addison St.

Northwest Hospital, 5645 W. Addison St.

Passavant Hospital

Passavant Hospital / Patterson Cancer Clinic

Passavant Memorial Hospital c. 1910

Chicago Policlinic & Hospital, c.1918

Presbyterian Hospital and Rawson Laboratory

Presbyterian Hospital c. 1909

Presbyterian Hospital

Presbyterian Hospital c. 1909

Presbyterian Hospital

Presbyterian Hospital, c.1908

Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing

Presbyterian - St. Luke's Hospital

Presbyterian Hospital c. 1919

Presbyterian Hospital

Presbyterian - St. Lukes Hospital

Provident Hospital and Training School

Provident Hospital

Ravenswood Hospital c. 1916

Ravenswood Hospital

Ravenswood Hospital

Ravenswood Hospital Medical Library

Ravenswood Hospital Residents apt Building

Resurrection Hospital

Resurrection Hospital

Resurrection Hospital lobby

Roseland Community Hospital

Sarah Morris Hospital

Shriners Hospital For Crippled Children

South Chicago Hospital c. 1911

St. Anne's Hospital

St. Anne's Hospital, nurses home

St. Anne's Hospital c. 1943

St Anne's Hospital

St. Anne's Sanitarium c. 1907

St. Anthony de Padua Hospital c. 1937

Hospital of st. Anthony de Padua

St. Anthony Hospital, Douglas Park c. 1916

St. Anthony Hospital

St. Anthony's Hospital

St Bernards Hotel Dieu Hospital, Englewood

Berhards Hotel Dieu Hospital

St. Elizabeth Hospital Grotto of Lourdes

St. Elizabeth Hospital Nurses Home

St. Elizabeth Hospital

St. Elizabeth's Hospital

St. Elizabeth's Hospital, main lobby, c.1950

St. Elizabeth's Hospital Chalep

St. Elizabeth Hospital Chapel

St. Elizabeth's Hospital

St. George Hospital c. 1945

St. Joseph's Hospital c. 1908

St. Joseph's Hospital

St. Luke's Hospital, Schweppe Memorial Nurses Home

St. Luke's Hospital

St. Luke's Hospital - George Smith Memorial c. 1909

St. Luke's Hospital c. 1928

St. Luke's Hospital

St. Luke's Hospital office c. 1910

St. Luke's Hospital c. 1918

St. Luke's Hospital Michigan Avenue lobby

St. Luke's Hospital

St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital

St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital

St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital c. 1943

St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital c. 1944

St. Mary's Of Nazareth Hospital

St. Mary's Of Nazareth Hospital c. 1910

St. Mary's Of Nazareth Hospital c. 1911

St. Mary's Of Nazareth Hospital

St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital, c.1945

St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital garden

Saint Mary of Nazareth Hospital Center

Streeter Hospital

Swedish Covenant Hospital

University of Chicago Clinics c. 1950

U. S. Marine Hospital c. 1911

U. S. Marine Hospital c. 1905

University Hospital c. 1909

University Hospital

University Hospital

Veterans Administration Research Hospital

Walther Memorial Hospital proposed addition

Washington Park Hospital

Washington Park Hospital c. 1908

Washington Park Hospital

Louis Weiss Memorial Hospital

Wesley Hospital c. 1908

Wesley Hospital c. 1913

Wesley Hospital

Wesley Memorial Hospital

Wesley Memorial Hospital, demolished

Wesley Memorial Hospital, lobby, c.1954

Wesley Memorial Hospital

Wesley Memorial Hospital, north view

West End Hospital

West Side Hospital c. 1915

West Side Hospital c. 1909

West Side Hospital

Woodlawn Hospital