Tangiers Motel, 4944 S. Archer Ave.

Tides Motel, 5235 N. Sheridan Rd.

Touraine Apartment Hotel

Traemour Club Hotel

Transit House Fire

Transit House

Transit House Hotel, Stock Yards


Trenier Hotel

Tuscany Hotel

Union Park Hotel

University Hotel c. 1934

Van Buren Hotel c. 1908

Vendome Hotel c. 1911

Vendome Hotel - Red Fountain Room Cafe c. 1911

Vernon Hotel

Vernon Hotel c. 1929

Viceroy Hotel, 4758 Kenmore Ave.

Victoria Hotel c. 1908

Victoria Hotel c. 1915

Victoria Hotel c. 1915

Victoria Hotel, c. 1906

Villa Motel, 5950 N. Lincoln Ave.

Villa-Maree Hotel

Vincennes Hotel c. 1913

Vincennes Hotel c. 1909

Virginia Hotel c. 1908

The Virginia, Red Room

Virginia Hotel Red Room, c.1910

Virginia Hotel, Office & Main Corridor, c.1912

Wacker Hotel

Wacker Hotel

Walton Hotel

Warner Hotel

Washington Hotel c. 1924

Washington Hotel

Water Tower Hyatt House

Water Tower Inn

Webster Hotel c. 1958

Webster Hotel

The Wedgewood Hotel

Wedgewood Hotel

Wedgewood Towers Hotel

Wellington Hotel

Wellington Hotel - Indian Cafe c.1909

Wellington Hotel - Italian Room and c.1909

Wellington Hotel lobby

Wellington Arms Hotel c. 1933

Westbury Hotel

Weston Hotel

Winamac Hotel

Windermere Hotel

Windermere Hotels, Jackson Park

Windermere Hotels

Windermere Hotel c. 1906

Windermere Hotel Garden c. 1909

Windermere Hotel East c. 1928

Windermere Hotel c. 1926

Windermere Hotel c. 1910

Windermere Hotels

Windsor - Clifton Hotel

Winona Hotel - Forest Room c. 1912

Winona Hotel, dining room, Winona & Evanston Aves., c. 1912

Winthrop Terrace Hotel

Wisconsin Hotel c. 1908

Worthington Hotel lobby c. 1917


YMCA Building c. 1914

YMCA c. 1942

YMCA Austin Dept

YWCA Harriet Hammond McCormick Memorial Residence c. 1954

YMCA Hotel Englewood c. 1941

YMCA Hotel - Duncan

YMCA Hotel - Division Street c. 1914

YMCA lounge

YMCA Hotel, public space

YMCA Hotel, main lobby, c.1917

YMCA - Central Natatorium c. 1908

YMCA Central

YMCA Central Dept. c. 1910

YMCA Building

YMCA Hotel, Central

YMCA Harriet Hammond McCormick Memorial Residence - corner of coffee shop c. 1948

YWCA Harriet Hammond McCormick Memorial

YMCA Hotel

YMCA Hotel

YMCA Hotel

YMCA Hotel cafeteria

YMCA Hotel

YMCA Hotel

YMCA Hotel, East Room

YMCA Hotel - West Room

YMCA Hotel

YMCA Hotel c. 1925

YMCA Hotel

YMCA Hotel roomette c. 1944

YMCA Hotel - Roof Garden

YMCA Hotel - Marine Room c. 1943

YMCA Hotel

YMCA Hotel - Oriole Room

YMCA Hotel - Hyde Park

YMCA Lawson

YMCA Lawson, 30 W. Chicago Ave.

YMCA, Lawson pool

Y. M. C. A. - Lawson c. 1944

YMCA Lawson

YMCA Lawson Dept., main lobby

Y. M. C. A. - Lincoln Belmont

YMCA lunch room

YMCA Main Dining Room

YMCA Hotel dining room

YMCA - West Side Professional Schools

YMCA West Side

YMCA Hotel - West Side Professional Schools c. 1941

YMCA Hotel - West Side Professional Schools

YMCA West Side Professional School

Y. M. C. A. - McCormick Residence

YMCA Hotel rooms

YMCA North Ave Larrabee c. 1941

YMCA Hotel - Messer Memorial Room

YMCA Hotel main lobby

YMCA Hotel Wilson Avenue c. 1924

YMCA Hotel - Wilson Avenue

YMCA, Wilson Ave Branch, Ravenswood, c.1909

YYMCA - Writing Room

YMCA Sears Roebuck Dept. c. 1918

YWCA Building c. 1906

YWCA Building c. 1907

YWCA, Third Floor Lounge

YWCA - Carrie McGill Memorial Residence c. 1943