Abbott Laboratories c. 1949

Acme Co.

Albaugh Dover Co. C. 1908

Alfred's Ice King

Alfred Holzman Company

American Licorice Co.

Armour And Company

Armour's Quality Products

Armour Canned Meat Dept.

Armour Grain Elevator, South Side Branch

Armour Grain Elevators, south branch of Chicago River, c. 1908

Atlas School Supply Co. c. 1909

Barton Steel Company

Beltone Electronics Corp., 4201 W. Victoria St., c.1974

B. F. Gump Co.

Bell & Howell

Blue Valley Creamery Company c. 1909

Bussey Products Co.

Canners Can Co. / Wilson Mfg. Co.

Charles Bruning Co.

Charles Elmes Engineering Works c. 1908

Chicago Alloy Products Co.

Chicago Bridge & Iron Works c.1908

Chicago House Wrecking Company c.1903

Columbia Mills c. 1911

Crooks Terminal Warehouse, Southside Reshipping Warehouses

Crooks Terminal Warehouse,, South Chicago Waterfront Warehouses

Crooks Terminal Warehouse,, Burlington Downtown Warehouse

Crooks Terminal Warehouse, Burlington 14th Place Warehouse

Cuneo Brothers

Curt Teich & Company

D. B. Scully Syrup Co.

Deering Harvester Works c. 1911

Henry Detmer Piano Factory

Doyle Freight Lines

E. N. Thayer Co.

E. W. Gillette

Felix & Marston

Fitzgerald Trunk Company c. 1907

Ford & Johnson Company

Franco - American Hygienic Co. secretaries c. 1922

Franco American Hygienic Co, general offices

Franco - American Hygienic Co.

Franco-American Hygienic Co. c1908

Franco-American Hygienic Co. c. 1914

Franco American Building

Franco - American Hygienic Co. c. 1908

Franco-American Hygienic Co.

Franco American Hygienic Co, Preparing & Shipping

Franco American Hygienic Co, reception room

Franco - American Hygienic Co.

Fred M. Lawrence Co. c. 1921

Gartner And Bender

George B. Carpenter & Co. c. 1910

George B. Carpenter & Co c. 1911

George Linn & Son, Holland Creamery Butter

Gossard Corset Factory

Grand Crossing Tack Co. C. 1909

Hamilton Piano Factory

Harris Brothers Company

Hartman Furniture and Carpet Co.

Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co. c. 1915

Hendryx Distilling Co.

Hibbard Spencer Bartlett & Co.

H M Hooker Co., c.1915

Huck Malting Co.

Illinois Steel Co. C. 1918

Illinois Steel Co.

Illinois Steel Works

Illinois Steel Co, noon hour

Imperial Brass Company c. 1912

Independent Wall Paper Co.

James C Curtis & Co. c. 1916

James H. Rhodes & Company c. 1922

James S Kirk & Company

Jewel Tea Company c. 1909

John F. Jelke Company

John Sexton & Co.

John A. Tolman Co.

Johnson Chair Company c. 1909

Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Company c. 1908

Kohl And Madden Ink Co.

H. H. Kohlsaat & Co. Wholesale Bakery

Lee Manufacturing Co.

Liquid Carbonic Corp, c.1947

Lumber Yards & Elevators on Chicago River

Lyon & Healy Factory

Lyon & Healy Factory

M. D. Wells shoes c. 1910

Marks Tailoring Co.

Mason & Harrison

McCarthey Steel Co.

Libby McNeill & Libby c. 1904

McNeill and Libby reception room

Libby McNeill & Libby

McNeill d Libby, Mary Hale Martin dining room

Libby, McNeil & Libby, packing boneless chicken c.1907

Libby McNeill & Libby White Enamel Kitchen, capping cans

Libby McNeill & Libby White Enamel Kitchen, packing corned beef

McNeill & Libby, pickles and preserves

Libby McNeill & Libby White Enamel Kitchen cook room

Libby McNeill & Libby Employees Welfare Restaurant

Libby, McNeill & Libby

Lynch Cigar Factory, c.1907

McCarthy Steel Warehouse Co., 7711 S. Claremont

Meadow Gold Butter

Metro Tool and Gage Co. c. 1950

Middleby Oven Co. c. 1907

Montgomery Ward & Company

Montgomery Ward, new bldg and tower, c.1909

Moxley Butterine Factory

National - Acme Manufacturing Co. c. 1913

National Biscuit Co.

Olson Rug Co.

Olson Rug Co.

Olson Rug Co.

Olson Rug Co.

Plibrico Office & Plant

Robert W. Hunt Company, Engineers

R. R. Donnelly & Sons c. 1909

Rialto Elevator & Crescent Flour Mills, South Chicago c. 1908

Richter's Food Products

S. Rosenthal Ex-Lax Mfg Co c.1928

The Salin Company, c.1910

Schrayer's Sone & Co. Metalwares

Schulze & Burch Biscuit Co.

Schulzes Butter-Nut Bread

Sears Roebuck and Company cream separator

Sears Roebuck and Company Catalog Exposition

Sears Roebuck and Company Economy Engines

Sears Roebuck and Company

Sears Roebuck and Company annual field meet

Sears Roebuck and Company entry department

Sears Roebuck and Company freight dept

Sears Roebuck and Company grocery building

Sears Roebuck and Company shipping

Sears Roebuck and Company press room

Sears Roebuck and Company wrapping & shipping

Sears Roebuck and Company packing dept

Sears Roebuck and Company Silvertone Phonograph

Sears Roebuck and Company c. 1911

Sears Roebuck and Company wall paper mill

Sears Roebuck and Company

Sears Roebuck and Co.

Sears Roebuck and Company c. 1909

Sears Roebuck /David Bradley Plows factory

Selig Polyscope Co.

Selz Factory c. 1909

S & H Electrical Works, 1422 W. Monroe St., c.1923

Ship Yards, South Chicago c. 1908

Sprague Warner & Co.

Standard Varnish Works, sample room, c.1912

Steel Mills

Steel Mills in South Chicago

Steele-Wedeles Company c.1908

Stone Brothers

E. J. Streichert glove factory

Swedish - American Telephone Company

Superior Match Company

Tri-state Packing Supply Co.

Vienna Model Bakery

Vulcan Stamping & Mfg. Co. c1916

Wm. D. Allen Manufacturing Co. factory

W. D. Allen Manufacturing office

Wm. D. Gibson Co. c. 1923

W. W. Kimball Co. c. 1915

Watson Plummer Shoe Co.

Webster Company

Wesson Oil & Snowdrift Co.

Western Bottle Co.

Western Electric c. 1911

Western Pottery Co.

Wisconsin Steel Company c. 1915

Woodward's Fine Candies c. 1912

Zimmer Postcards c. 1908