First Presbyterian Church of Austin c. 1909

Presbyterian Church, Austin, c.1908

First Presbyterian Church, Englewood

First Reformed Presbyterian Church c. 1909

Second Presbyterian Church c. 1906

Third Presbyterian Church c. 1909

4th Presbyterian Church

Fourth Presbyterian Church nave, c. 1938

Fourth Presbyterian Church, John Timothy Stone Chapel

Fifth United Presbyterian Church c. 1907

6th Presbyterian Church c. 1914

Eighth Presbyterian Church

Avondale Presbyterian Church

Emerald Avenue Presbyterian Church

Endeavor Presbyterian Church c. 1918

Faith Presbyterian Church c. 1955

Lake View Presbyterian Church c. 1913

Mayfair Presbyterian Church c. 1970

Normal Park Presbyterian Church

Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian Church c. 1909

Presbyterian Church, Woodlawn c. 1907

Presbyterian Church of Roseland

Windsor Park Presbyterian Chapel

Woodlawn Park Presbyterian Church c. 1910

Woodlawn Park Presbyterian Church